Moose Energy
Energy Project Services

Moose Energy - your load is our load


The energy transition is affecting everyone, from individuals to large companies. 

In the 2015 Paris Agreement the target was set to: 

  • Limit average temperature rise to a maximum of 1.5 °C (target). 
  • Minimum limit: at least significantly less than 2 °C. Climate target: reduce greenhouse gas emissions with respect to 1990 levels

CO2 is one of the biggest contributors to global warming. So efficient energy generation and efficient use of solar and wind power and not letting anything go to waste is key to a sustainable future.

Problem Definition

You want to expand your production line, but the Transmission System Operator says no, because of limited capacity or general congestion. 

You have enough energy from the grid and solar panels but not at the right time resulting in penalties from your grid operator negating the benefits of having this solar and wind. 

Your business is hurting from the wait for grid expansion. Energy cost are sky rocketing and you want to reduce your expenses. 

Communication between stakeholders takes too much time and is delaying the implementation. 

The Road to Success!

You want solutions but don't have the time, we will take care of them. 

  • Reducing your energy peak moments (peak shaving)
  • Ensuring your production can continue despite grid limitations (congestion)
  • Being able to expand or even start your business (congestion)
  • Trade on the energy market and create a new revenue stream (optimisation of resources)
  • Communication between stakeholders to ensure a smooth implementation

Our professional energy project services approach will unburden you allowing you to keep focus on your day to day activities. 

Your load is our load!
