Moose Energy
Energy Project Services

How can we help your business?

Use case analysis:

Every use case is different and provides its own challenges

  1. Evaluate your current energy situation (what is your usage, what are you peaks, what are your wishes, where is your cost)
  2. In alignment with you, define the pain-points: overall cost, peak shaving, congestion, busines expansion, unwanted shut downs
  3. Provide a set of solutions though modelling and simulation: added storage, added energy generation, optimisation of energy use, trading on the Spot Market (Day Ahead Market) or Imbalance Market
  4. Provide the technical requirements to your solution with which you can shop around for suppliers (Request for Information / Quotation documents)
  5. Report on how the recommended approach will work for you.

Foto door Carlos Muza van Unsplash

Foto door airfocus van Unsplash

Project Management

Moose Energy support the project through best practises having expertise in PMBOK, Prince2 and Agile methodologies.

  1. Define the project scope
  2. Define SMART deliverables
  3. Define the Schedule and check for the critical path
  4. Define the budget 
  5. Define project risks
  6. Control and Feedback (stakeholder alignment and buy-in, recurring feedback and continues monitoring, risk management)
  7. Project Delivery and Closure

What does this mean for you?

Ease of mind - your energy worries will be profesionally solved through system design or project management or both 

  • The use of modelling and simulation ensures a realistic outcome of the design phase
  • The professional project management approach ensures a traceable project that you can monitor in all aspects. 

For more information or just a cup of coffee or tea to discuss the current energy market and what it means for your business, please contact us.
